It all started with a simple idea early in March in Ibiza. How can we show our gratitude to those fighting for the lives of our families, friends and communities? How can we say thank you to those putting their own lives at risk for us?’ – Together for Healthcare Heroes
As the world went into lock down and we all retreated to our homes for safety, those working in healthcare bravely continued to work on the front line risking their lives. Together for Healthcare Heroes decided as an international community we needed to thank them. Their mission is to gift 10,000 healthcare heroes including their families with a free, luxury holiday in Europe.
The initiative was born in Ibiza, when local entrepreneurs, residents and businesses looked to find a way they could give back to medical staff sacrificing so much to protect us. The idea then formed to offer them a holiday and gift a week’s free say in a luxury home or hotel across Europe in April, May or October 2021, including flights.
Together for Healthcare Heroes is currently working with both the healthcare community and some of the most reputable hospitals in Europe to define a transparent and fair nomination and selection process to reward those on the front line. They have now partnered with over 70 high end accommodation providers, including the Concept Hotel Group, OD Hotels, Kempinski 7 Pines, Destino and Aguas de Ibiza. The charitable initiative continues to look for luxury hoteliers and property owners to donate a week to the cause and for sponsorship and fundraising support to cover flights.
At Houses in Ibiza “We are proud to be part of this wonderful initiative to thank, in a small way, the huge effort and sacrifices that have been done for all of us by the intensive care staff across Europe and which encompasses the true spirit of our magical island!”
The Covid-19 crisis continues to impact people globally every day. Please help Together for Healthcare Heroes in showing our appreciation. Visit https://www.togetherforhealthcareheroes.com/ to find out more on how you can help.http://t4hh.com